A GENUINE MANX NORTON ROLLING CHASSIS. NUMBERS ON THE HEADSTOCK LUG ARE FROM 1960. (not on the frame plate, I have never seen a genuine one on there and I have had a few.) TRYING TO PURCHASE SIMILAR STUFF LATELY I HAVE BEEN QUOTED ....................FRAME £5000.00, FRONT WHEEL £2000.00, REAR WHEEL £2000.00, OIL TANK £10000, PETROL TANK £2000.00, FORKS £1000.00, SWINGING ARM £350.00, SEAT £250.00, REAR SUSPENSION £250.00, FRONT FAIRING £65.00, REAR MUDGUAR £90.00. FRONT MUDGUARD £90.00. CASES £1,500.00, GEARBOX £1000.00,( MANX INTERNALS), HEAD VALVES ETC.£2,500.00 PISTON £150.00
I have a lot of information on this Manx Norton frame, reproduced below.
The frame was owned and raced by D.R. Menzies 1964 to 67 in this country and in the MGP of those years.Then tuned by Ray Petty and used in the 1968 TT. D.R. Menzies stamped D.R.M. on the frame and swinging arm. I can only assume he was taking precautions with regards to theft.
I am told that it was stolen from him at one time, and eventually returned to him, but have no proof of that. I have tried to contact him but not yet been able to do so. The headstock has stamps on it, I know a lot of tuners did this type of thing at the time.I have information of the use of the bike after 1968, but the tuner / sponsor, that owned it and that I purchased it from, wants no publicity. This was common practice at the time. Reg Dearden stamped all of his bike RD1 - 2 etc.. Serves to confuse the researchers of today. Mind you Reg had so many of them that he needed to number them.
The frame is also stamped by Norton on the headstock lug 760. Stands for June 1960. There are one or two holes drilled in gusset plates, you could fill them in if you wanted to return it to standard. One or two repairs to the cases are perfect. The Hagon shocks, special heavy springs, were, I am told, purchased especially for Damon Hill ( F1 world champ) to ride the bike at A Goodwood speed festival, but someone changed there mind about it and it never happened. Damon raced motorcycles long before he raced cars, so there must have been some connection with the bike at that time. I know Damon's first love was bikes, but his mother talked him into cars as she thought bikes were too dangerous. She was right. Ok, so you now have all of the information I have on this frame, hope I have not bored you too much. I am very reluctant to sell it, but I have so much stuff here, guitars, bikes, etc. etc. that I can hardly get moved for it.
Just got an email about this bike from a friend of DRM.Shown below with my answer, it all helps, great for future owners to have some history
Subject: D R Menzies - Manx Norton Hello Tom Reading your listing for Manx Norton on e bay and read that it was raced by D R Menzies. D R Menzies was at one time my apprentice at the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. As you are aware Ray Petty was based in Cove Farnborough Hampshire I fear you will not be able to contact Dave Menzies as he died of cancer while still young. However, you may be able to trace Donald (Percy) May his best friend at the time who also used Ray Pettys skills. Around this time I believe Donald May became the British 500cc champion riding a Manx Norton probably the last of the 500cc champions but I am not sure. Last known address many years ago was xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, he may have further information of Daves bikes. Quite sad reading his name out of the blue after all these years Kind Regards XXXXXXXX
Hello, Thank you for the email. Bad news about Dave. I remember Percy May, I will contact him and see if he can remember anything about this bike. I am told it was stolen at one time, but Dave got it back and stamped DRM all over it. I found the stamps on the frame and the s/arm when the paint was removed for repainting. Thank you again. Best wishes. Tom